Actually, she might. I’m not sure if this strip comes before or after the strip where Wanda buys Zoe some underwear with rainbows on it, Hammie gets some with trucks on it, and Darryl gets underwear with TVs and potato chips.
LOL! Zoe wants her Tinker Bell panties!
Why is she complaining about cartoon panties if no one’s gonna see them?
January 25, 2022
leopardglily almost 2 years ago
Actually, she might. I’m not sure if this strip comes before or after the strip where Wanda buys Zoe some underwear with rainbows on it, Hammie gets some with trucks on it, and Darryl gets underwear with TVs and potato chips.
SquidGamerGal over 1 year ago
LOL! Zoe wants her Tinker Bell panties!
SquidGamerGal over 1 year ago
Why is she complaining about cartoon panties if no one’s gonna see them?