Penny: Aren't you going to ask me in? Red: I don't even know you. Pennt: Yes, but I know you. Red: You do?! Penny: Sure, you're a dog lover is there really anything more to know? Red: My mom says I once ate a fly off a windowsill when I was a baby.
carmy over 15 years ago
TMI, Red.
bredbox over 15 years ago
Way TMI, Rover sure is excited though
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
I bet she’s thinking, “so did I went I was a baby. So we may have something in common”.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
When in doubt, go for gross out.
Smiley Rmom over 15 years ago
My son ate half of a cricket once.
risitas over 15 years ago
She’s just come over for those Deliciously-Slobbery Rover-Smooches!!!
nerdhoof over 15 years ago
Dogs eat flies, and she obviously likes dogs.
wickedvick12 over 15 years ago
TMI Red…poor thing has no idea how to talk to girls…
Kid Covid about 4 years ago
T to the M to the I, Red.