I clearly recall the very first time I saw a man at an airport baggage claim talking on a cell phone using wireless earbuds (VERY new at that time). I thought he might be insane and dangerous.
I once ate lunch on a bench in the Embarcadero district in San Francisco. Behind me I kept hearing this guy talking. As I ate my sandwich, I could hear him pleading. By the time I was finished he was threatening. As I got up to leave, I looked around – only the one guy and no phone but the “conversation” was continuing. Spooky.
Rista almost 3 years ago
Actually, we all do sort of worry you’re nuts, but now we aren’t 100% sure of it.
angelolady Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I’m still startled when people talk to themselves in stores. Who can tell as they pass by or come up behind you?!
JudasPeckerwood almost 3 years ago
Don’t worry, we still think you’re nuts.
LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I always glance down at the dash as if a phone is down there. Don’t want other drivers to think I’m nuts…which I apparently am.
PoodleGroomer almost 3 years ago
Self driving cars give you a chance if you are singing and it requires a big stage finale.
seanfear almost 3 years ago
here it’s the opposite. people WILL still think you are nuts, whether they realize it’s hands-free or not.
Doug K almost 3 years ago
When you’re not in the car, many people around you would probably conclude (and quite possibly rightly so) that you are (just) very rude.
dadoctah almost 3 years ago
I don’t care what people think. I play air cello in my car when an ELO song comes on.
blackman2732 almost 3 years ago
He’s the most interesting person he knows.
StratmanRon almost 3 years ago
I clearly recall the very first time I saw a man at an airport baggage claim talking on a cell phone using wireless earbuds (VERY new at that time). I thought he might be insane and dangerous.
davanden almost 3 years ago
I remember the first time I encountered someone using bluetooth to talk on her cellphone.
mistercatworks almost 3 years ago
I once ate lunch on a bench in the Embarcadero district in San Francisco. Behind me I kept hearing this guy talking. As I ate my sandwich, I could hear him pleading. By the time I was finished he was threatening. As I got up to leave, I looked around – only the one guy and no phone but the “conversation” was continuing. Spooky.
oldlady07 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I do talk to myself, but only to ask for advice.
Diane in comics land Premium Member almost 3 years ago
One look at my car and they know I don’t have a fancy device like that and I’m talking to myself.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 3 years ago
People walking down the sidewalk chatting with themselves blend in well with those chatting on Bluetooth devices hidden within their ears.
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom almost 3 years ago
Or when you sing along to a song, people will think that you’re talking to someone. :o)
sisterea almost 3 years ago
Yep, as my Dad would say when you caught him talking to himself “well I always did like to hear a smart man talk”
tvstevie almost 3 years ago
But you’d still catch hell for allegedly talking on the phone while driving!