Shortly after I moved into my house, living alone (except for the pets) I was forced to deal, all by myself, with the biggest honkin’ house centipede I ever saw. It could span my hand. I grabbed a wad of paper towels and just shoved it into the drawer space where the thing was hiding. Yuck!
jonnytest almost 3 years ago
My cat would gobble that centipede up. If it moves, she’ll kill and eat anything, not necessarily in that order.
in.amongst almost 3 years ago
Smart, Peekaboo has already sorted out arrangements for the next feast as well.
amanda.elliott3619 almost 3 years ago
my husband is like this with spiders
jagedlo almost 3 years ago
So Peekabook didn’t want to play “Centipede”? almost 3 years ago
The mighty hunter.
Darth Stevious almost 3 years ago
I honestly have never seen a centipede outside of media
DaBump Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Oh, that’s really sad. At least Peekaboo knows that centipedes are harmless to humans and will eat things we really don’t want in the house.
bakana almost 3 years ago
I suspect that Centipedes taste Terrible.
DKHenderson 8 months ago
Shortly after I moved into my house, living alone (except for the pets) I was forced to deal, all by myself, with the biggest honkin’ house centipede I ever saw. It could span my hand. I grabbed a wad of paper towels and just shoved it into the drawer space where the thing was hiding. Yuck!