What is so hard about 10 000 steps. Most work days I’ve passed that by the middle of my shift. No idea as to the total number of steps I take in a day as I take my phone out of my pocket when I get home from work as I like taking my walks without having to worry about people calling or texting me. Ironically i weigh about 280 lbs and have been that weight since i was 14, so my doctor claims i live too sedentary a lifestyle and need to get more exercise. What i can’t figure out is how to get my blood moving fast enough to get heart points on the stupid fitness app. Picking up and carrying 50 50lb bags of salt (one bag at a time) a distance of 6 feet then throwing them into the back of a pickup truck, apparently doesn’t even slightly raise my heart rate.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 3 years ago
If you pound your arm on the bed it registers as steps……or so I heard, coff coff.
kbyrdleroy123 almost 3 years ago
That’s thinking!
Jeff0811 almost 3 years ago
Ralph can make up for it by taking a detour by the fridge when he has to get up to use the bathroom, extra steps, problem solved.
RobinHood almost 3 years ago
Or you could just ditch the step counter
WDemBlk Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I check my steps before I get into bed & if I’m short (I’m usually way over, but like to round up to an even number of steps) I take the extra steps.
jagedlo almost 3 years ago
If you remember to, Ralph!
theincrediblebulk almost 3 years ago
What is so hard about 10 000 steps. Most work days I’ve passed that by the middle of my shift. No idea as to the total number of steps I take in a day as I take my phone out of my pocket when I get home from work as I like taking my walks without having to worry about people calling or texting me. Ironically i weigh about 280 lbs and have been that weight since i was 14, so my doctor claims i live too sedentary a lifestyle and need to get more exercise. What i can’t figure out is how to get my blood moving fast enough to get heart points on the stupid fitness app. Picking up and carrying 50 50lb bags of salt (one bag at a time) a distance of 6 feet then throwing them into the back of a pickup truck, apparently doesn’t even slightly raise my heart rate.
david_42 almost 3 years ago
The 10,000 step “rule” was part of a marketing campaign. Can you guess what the company was selling?
cuzinron47 almost 3 years ago
The night’s not over with, you’ve still got those trips to the bathroom so you should go over your goal.
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 3 years ago
Rationalizing at work.
Mad Sci almost 3 years ago
I’ve had a couple of days when I was that close. I went to sleep quite content to know that I had that particular variety of OCD well under control.
pbr50138 almost 3 years ago
10,000 steps in a day? No way.
CeceliaWD Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Pick it up and give it a shake.
rgcviper almost 3 years ago
I use a pedometer every day, and it helps me assess how far I’ve walked and how active I’ve been. Nice to have.