Fred Basset by Alex Graham for April 03, 2022

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    silberdistel  over 2 years ago

    “And rhe Times They Are a-Changin’ …” but not our Fred!And that is really lovely :)

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    ronaldspence  over 2 years ago

    Fred, I never realized your middle name was “The”! Wave to the kiddies!

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    Calvinist1966  over 2 years ago

    This is another strip which shows that Fred is an old dog. He can remember when a young adult was a paper boy. He is billed as “The Wise Old Dog” in one translation of his strips and he was voiced by grandfatherly actor Lionel Jeffries in his 1970s animated TV show.

    The TV version of Fred was first broadcast on Monday 25 April 1977 so it will be 45 years this month since I first discovered Fred. April 25 is on a Monday this year as well.

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    juicebruce  over 2 years ago

    Yes Fred the clock only goes in one direction :-)

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    The Pro from Dover  over 2 years ago

    I guess David was having fun. And still is!

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    SheMc  over 2 years ago

    Yes, Fred, we are all getting older!!!

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    darcyandsimon  over 2 years ago

    “Turn around, turn around…”

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    !!ǝlɐ⅁ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Yesterday, Mrs. Darling picked up Arabella, so nothing on her today? That had been the second Arabella reference in a short while, about a week, so no new, ummm, cat?

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    heathcliff2  over 2 years ago

    Looks to be more applause than waves.

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Oh, how I wish that dogs lived long enough to be around for the next generation.

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