Bird and Moon by Rosemary Mosco for June 13, 2022

  1. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So these are all female plumages? I thought the Anna’s was a little drab looking.

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  2. 7553c0eb fe60 48a8 a4b6 2f89cdbcf5ac
    RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Thanks for the lovely bird drawings, Rosemary. Have a blessed day my friends.

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  3. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member over 2 years ago

    We once had so many cardinals in our yard that I was afraid they would get together and elect a new pope.

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  4. Avatar snowman
    NaturLvr  over 2 years ago

    Two wings up!

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  5. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  over 2 years ago

    True story. Yes I’m an idiot. I used to watch the partridge family, and the intro to the show was some groovy graphics (seventies) and a cartoon partridge (I thought) running around on screen. I assumed that’s what a partridge looked like with the little feather plume sticking up. It wasn’t until at least 20 years later, when out hiking with a friend, and I said “ Oh look at the Partridge!,” and he said no, that’s a quail.

    Oy vey, yet again, tv let me down.

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  6. Giant rubber duck 01
    Kiwiwriter47  over 2 years ago

    This has become one of my favorite comic strips.

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