Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 11, 2022

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    FireAnt_Hater  almost 3 years ago

    I just watched the ‘Enigma’ movie about Alan Turing. Either Hulu or Prime (don’t think it was Netflix)

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    TonysSon  almost 3 years ago

    And on the sub-topic of coupons… I need a coupon for a microscope so I can read the fine print of the expiration dates of my other coupons.

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    Doug K  almost 3 years ago

    A little pocket change here and a little pocket change there can really add up. ( … to a lot of pocket change).

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    Sanspareil  almost 3 years ago

    Edward Elgar composed variations on that theme!

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    LupisLight  almost 3 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder, if you put a “For Sale” sign on a product but don’t actually change the price, how many more people would buy it just because it says it is on sale?

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    sappha58  almost 3 years ago

    Alan Turing was gay in a time where it wasn’t accepted; it was treated as if it were the worst behaviour ever. He was treated so despicably that he committed suicide.

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    Aviatrexx Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    A local car dealer is bragging that “We will never ask more than MSRP!”. No wonder Carvana is eating their lunch.

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  8. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If two items that are effectively the same thing are right next to each other and one is 25 cents less, why would you take the other one?

    Buying the more expensive items tells companies to raise their prices, since there’s no penalty.

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    Ontman  almost 3 years ago

    In Florida, would the teachers have to leave out the reason Turing killed himself?

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    n32816  almost 3 years ago

    And then there’s the BOGO that breaks down to regular retail at cheaper stores. Winn Dixie is bad about this.

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    winowino Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Sam Walton (Walmart, etc.) discusses this and many other marketing experiments in his book, Made In America.

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    sid w  almost 3 years ago

    Stop and Shop has this “discount” plan, towards gas points, for just a few items, where you get, say 30 points for an item. And you rush to get it, not thinking of the fact that it is only 30 to 40 cents off.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  almost 3 years ago

    When I’m at the store doing my grocery shopping, I pay attention to the “price per unit” marking on the price tags. A lot of times, buying the larger package would result in paying more per unit than the smaller one.

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    ArtisticArtemis  almost 3 years ago

    Speaking of numbers, I lately reached my plimsoll line on a certain idiot idiosyncratic way of stating differences.

    Instead of saying something is a certain percentage of, it’s stated as times fewer and it really makes me want to put a fire to the manual that told anyone it was a clever or clear way of stating things.

    What does five times fewer really mean, actually?

    Does it mean 1/5 of? If so, why not SAY SO?

    Why muck it up with gobbledygook math? :-(

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    DM2860  almost 3 years ago

    Not always. I only will only try something new if I can get at least 50% off. 15% off will only used to buy something that I was already going to buy. So every little bit saved helps.

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