I must’ve had one of the easiest parenting gigs. Both my kids willingly ate broccoli, which we had nearly every night. The only pickiness was that one liked his cooked while the other liked it raw (and how easy is it to just set aside a bit before cooking the rest!). Even more weirdly wonderful, they didn’t like McDonalds at all or cake (though they did love cookies and pizza).
C over 2 years ago
Broccoli is an alternative spelling of unpalatable
William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago
I wonder how often Mom and Dad take their son to McDonald’s?
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
It is no use fighting against the broccoli lobby.
cdward over 2 years ago
I must’ve had one of the easiest parenting gigs. Both my kids willingly ate broccoli, which we had nearly every night. The only pickiness was that one liked his cooked while the other liked it raw (and how easy is it to just set aside a bit before cooking the rest!). Even more weirdly wonderful, they didn’t like McDonalds at all or cake (though they did love cookies and pizza).
MayCauseBurns over 2 years ago
Cauliflower = ghost broccoli
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 2 years ago
Well said. Won’t work, but well said.
aussie399 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower are all grounds for a charge of aggravated attempted murder