CRANKSHAFT & OUTER SPACE: Who knew…that Ed was so into antimatter! Of course we do know, from some of the Funky W. strips, that author Batiuk likes to dabble in Sci Fi!
MALLARD FILLMORE: Today’s strip is based on recent FDA news. I LOVE Panel 3 – ROTFL!
MARY WORTH: I like Toby’s idea (or was it Mary’s idea?). Having hubby Ian show up at the end of her class may help cool young Cal’s jets.
GATURRO: There’s too much translating (for me) in today’s strip…perhaps I’ll be up to it later. In the meantime I will comment that I like Templo’s avatar (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ temple in Kyiv, Ukraine).
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
la defensa descansa su caso
florchi over 2 years ago
CRANKSHAFT & OUTER SPACE: Who knew…that Ed was so into antimatter! Of course we do know, from some of the Funky W. strips, that author Batiuk likes to dabble in Sci Fi!
MALLARD FILLMORE: Today’s strip is based on recent FDA news. I LOVE Panel 3 – ROTFL!
MARY WORTH: I like Toby’s idea (or was it Mary’s idea?). Having hubby Ian show up at the end of her class may help cool young Cal’s jets.
florchi over 2 years ago
GATURRO: There’s too much translating (for me) in today’s strip…perhaps I’ll be up to it later. In the meantime I will comment that I like Templo’s avatar (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ temple in Kyiv, Ukraine).