There are some burr oaks planted as boulevard trees near my place. One year I collected a bunch out of curiousity and soaked the tannin out of them over 5 or 6 days, changing the water every day. Then I removed the outer skin and ground them up in the food processor to make a coarse meal, which I added to a batch of muffins.
It was a lot of work and didn’t taste like much, but it was an interesting exercise in urban foraging.
Concretionist over 2 years ago
Doesn’t work that way. Most of them sprout the next spring and most that don’t aren’t edible either.
Asharah over 2 years ago
Oak farming
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 2 years ago
“Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.”
Zykoic over 2 years ago
Too close together. Also, never plant near the drain field….
Radish... over 2 years ago
He’s nuts, another squirrel will steal them.
Jayalexander over 2 years ago
Another tree hugger.
Hugh B. Hayve over 2 years ago
No, you just craft the skeleton archer bone drops into bonemeal and they grow instantly….oh God, I’m playing too much Minecraft, aren’t I? over 2 years ago
“…your great-great-grandchildren…” – when are fruits due the first time with Oaks after planting them? Do 5 years suffice?
saylorgirl over 2 years ago
Squirrels never find them anyway.
Nuliajuk over 2 years ago
There are some burr oaks planted as boulevard trees near my place. One year I collected a bunch out of curiousity and soaked the tannin out of them over 5 or 6 days, changing the water every day. Then I removed the outer skin and ground them up in the food processor to make a coarse meal, which I added to a batch of muffins.
It was a lot of work and didn’t taste like much, but it was an interesting exercise in urban foraging.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
I think a treasure map is in order….lol
WCraft Premium Member over 2 years ago
Makes me wonder – how many acorns buried by squirrels actually become trees? (We now return you to silly and whimsical comments).
tabby over 2 years ago
Looks like my yard. I have so many baby oaks sprouting up. I pull most, but some I replant or give away.
cknoblo Premium Member over 2 years ago
I always had lots of maples growing in my yard. I just mowed as usual, and after about 3 mowing s, they gave up.