I give my cats their own shoelaces to play with. I provide occasional animation and a dip in catnip to keep them interested. Cats are ruled by their curiosity; work with it.
My feral rescue has a thing for snakes and loves to play with shoe laces so I bought a pair of heavy duty shoe laces for her as her very own “snakes”. She still goes bonkers when the black snake in the back yard or the gray rat snake in the front yard sun themselves near the doors (glass so she can look out). I have two gray rat snakes that have made their home in my front landscaping for years and now have 2 black rat snakes in my back landscaping. I love those guys so Freyja is not allowed outside to kill real snakes. She has to settle with shoelaces.
AllishaDawn over 2 years ago
Other than my work shoes, which I keep in my car, all I wear are Crocs.
Bwingblue1 over 2 years ago
Bwingblue1 over 2 years ago
Or dip the laces in cinnamon water. Cats hate that.
SusieB over 2 years ago
No matter what, Mittens is happy
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
I give my cats their own shoelaces to play with. I provide occasional animation and a dip in catnip to keep them interested. Cats are ruled by their curiosity; work with it.
pchemcat over 2 years ago
My feral rescue has a thing for snakes and loves to play with shoe laces so I bought a pair of heavy duty shoe laces for her as her very own “snakes”. She still goes bonkers when the black snake in the back yard or the gray rat snake in the front yard sun themselves near the doors (glass so she can look out). I have two gray rat snakes that have made their home in my front landscaping for years and now have 2 black rat snakes in my back landscaping. I love those guys so Freyja is not allowed outside to kill real snakes. She has to settle with shoelaces.