I we’re talking about Catholic Eucharist (and that is supposed to be capitalized), the wafer and wine become Jesus as the time of the Consecration, not when it is consumed. And BOTH the wafer and the wine contain all four elements of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
catchup over 2 years ago
This prompts the question: can a vegan fundamentalist Catholic accept the Eucharist?
Ida No over 2 years ago
I always got the toes.
bookworm0812 over 2 years ago
I we’re talking about Catholic Eucharist (and that is supposed to be capitalized), the wafer and wine become Jesus as the time of the Consecration, not when it is consumed. And BOTH the wafer and the wine contain all four elements of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
ekw555 over 2 years ago
still sounds like a better deal than the altar boys got.
PraiseofFolly over 2 years ago
A scene from the very short lived family TV comedy, “Ozzie and Heretic.” Sponsored by the “hellthy sandwitch®” chain, TransSub(stantiation). (—
Buoy over 2 years ago
Good thing it’s served with a nice Chianti.