Sunshine State by Graham Nolan for July 18, 2022

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    SHIVA  over 2 years ago

    Mr. G., looks like Melbourne should take a crash course on all that new stuff!!

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    It’s bad enough what’s already here, like Fb, Twitter, etc. they’re causing havoc on out society! People have become so rude, and inconsiderate, and not to mention the evil that lurks on the dark web…..OY. Enough already!

    Calgon, please hurl us back to the good ole days! Aaaaahh!

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    mary b ransom Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I know I’m old,but,I don"t understand buying “property” that you can only visit as a meta figure.This online world has passed me by and I’m okay with that.Just don’t take my comics away from me.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Thought maybe “oyster” might bring him back.

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    ars731  over 2 years ago

    Going to side with Mel on this one.

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    buckman-j  over 2 years ago

    Maybe to more than once a week?

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    lawguy05  over 2 years ago

    Don’t change a thing :-)

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    bakana  over 2 years ago

    Don’t really care much for Oysters.

    When I was a kid, our father Loved them so much he’d buy as many as 10 bushels at a time. (That was all that would fit in the car Trunk) Then, when we got home, we’d have to spend all afternoon shucking oysters. He’d eat as many as he could Fresh and Pickle the rest. After a few bushels, you no longer want to See or Smell another oyster, ever again.

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