The king wouldn’t know fake news if it bit him on the nose. That was a weather report. Weather reports are more like sports than like news. You can gamble and place bets on the weather outcome just like you can on a sports match.
The amusing thing here is I don’t think millennial have any idea what smog is. It is right up there with dial telephones on party lines and black and white TV. The Count is now waiting for the nit pickers and pseudo intellectuals to contradict. Go for it, Starbucks Warriors.
I wish I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the ridiculous statement of “fake news” which is used to gaslight. Most of us are intelligent enough to understand what they are reading or hearing and don’t need extra commentary like that.
It’s almost like the elites and people in control of the media are out of touch with common people and don’t care about the problems that affect us. If only we could vote for people who actually represent us and are free from corrupt, power hungry influences
C over 2 years ago
David_the_CAD over 2 years ago
The reason the Dark Ages were know as the Dark Ages is not because there was no light, it is because people refused to see the light that there was.
Sadly we appear to be heading into a new Dark Ages.
The dude from FL Premium Member over 2 years ago
Why’d I get chills when I read this? orange is coming back!
seanfear over 2 years ago
( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
cubswin2016 over 2 years ago
All is fine in Finks ivory tower.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 2 years ago
Yep…24 & 7 = 365
Doug K over 2 years ago
The king is above it all. If it doesn’t affect him, it doesn’t matter – it isn’t real – it doesn’t even exist.
dcdete. over 2 years ago
The king wouldn’t know fake news if it bit him on the nose. That was a weather report. Weather reports are more like sports than like news. You can gamble and place bets on the weather outcome just like you can on a sports match.
jagedlo over 2 years ago
And then you wonder why you’re called “The Fink” behind your back!
HOTLOTUS1 over 2 years ago
upper 1%
blakerl over 2 years ago
Not funny.
geese28 over 2 years ago
It’s only a matter of perspective
car2ner over 2 years ago
It has always been thus and will long be this way. The well to do can escape.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
It’s good to be the fink. Sux to be you.
Count Olaf Premium Member over 2 years ago
The amusing thing here is I don’t think millennial have any idea what smog is. It is right up there with dial telephones on party lines and black and white TV. The Count is now waiting for the nit pickers and pseudo intellectuals to contradict. Go for it, Starbucks Warriors.
Goat from PBS over 2 years ago
Whatever floats your boat, Your Majesty.
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
I wish I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the ridiculous statement of “fake news” which is used to gaslight. Most of us are intelligent enough to understand what they are reading or hearing and don’t need extra commentary like that.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
The “higher” ups never see what’s goes on beneath them….
chroniclecmx over 2 years ago
It’s almost like the elites and people in control of the media are out of touch with common people and don’t care about the problems that affect us. If only we could vote for people who actually represent us and are free from corrupt, power hungry influences
nyg16 over 2 years ago
does the king wear orange make up?
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Everything is fine in Harlan County, Id!
Ron Bauerle over 2 years ago
What’s the industry in Id that would cause this? Or is everybody burning coal to keep warm?
codes007 over 2 years ago
In this strip the king represents cnn and the guard is the real news