That’s why biden has switched to shaking hands with air. Twice (that I know of), he’s given a “speech” or whatever you call what he does in front of a mic, and then turned to his side and shook hands with nobody. Or perhaps he’s shaking hands with his invisible friend, Niblick the Sherpa he befriended when he climbed Mt. Everest.
Seriously, though…what the heck is that? Shaking hands with nobody. Why?
kingdiamond69 over 2 years ago
It is for safety reasons due to covid .
Milady Meg over 2 years ago
Agreed. He should just hold hands with him, like W did with King Abdullah (after letting Saudis go home right after 9-11).
Doug K over 2 years ago
Substitute “head” for “hand” and “fist” and then add the question: “How much more can we endure?”
misterbagel over 2 years ago
He needs a brain surgeon. His seems to not be working.
guyjen2004 over 2 years ago
That’s why biden has switched to shaking hands with air. Twice (that I know of), he’s given a “speech” or whatever you call what he does in front of a mic, and then turned to his side and shook hands with nobody. Or perhaps he’s shaking hands with his invisible friend, Niblick the Sherpa he befriended when he climbed Mt. Everest.
Seriously, though…what the heck is that? Shaking hands with nobody. Why?
Kevin Roth Premium Member over 2 years ago
Not being a limp wrist, tiny hand cry baby, I’m sure he can manage quite well.
aussie399 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Maybe he’s been giving himself uppercuts