GATURRO: In the last panel, Mr. Gordo is told the bad girl’s name and then he says that he understands everything. Templo asks if Malaika has a twin named Buenaika. I do not understand everything here. ???
THE PHANTOM: The current strip is riveting. Anyone who has ever read The Phantom strip should take a look. (Notice that young Kit, Heloise’s twin, is wearing the Phantom belt.)
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
¿Tiene Malaika una hermana gemela llamada Buenaika?
florchi over 2 years ago
GATURRO: In the last panel, Mr. Gordo is told the bad girl’s name and then he says that he understands everything. Templo asks if Malaika has a twin named Buenaika. I do not understand everything here. ???
THE PHANTOM: The current strip is riveting. Anyone who has ever read The Phantom strip should take a look. (Notice that young Kit, Heloise’s twin, is wearing the Phantom belt.)