Fifty years ago, our local DMV was so difficult people would drive to the next county to renew licenses. New generation and they are really nice. Don’t live in the past. Things can and do change.
Got in line at 7:30am; was unlocking door to our home near 5:00pm. We are new to this state, and needed current license for something absolutely necessary. So we were able to jump the five (5) month normal waiting time for new residents. Where we moved from, the average wait time was one hour. Although we did hear of people who had to wait two hours due to being from out of state without the necessary documentation, or there was a question about former marriages, etc. Here, the people at DMV took their time perusing our mail (insurance policies, utility bills, letter from U S Government branches/agencies,investment firms. Needed to match all the addresses. Good reading, sure, but only added to the slowness. Criticize, and an error would be found, and you would have to return another day. These (small) people had power in their hands. We knew it, they knew it. The American Way today.
dadthedawg Premium Member over 2 years ago
But the line is shorter…..
littlejohn Premium Member over 2 years ago
At least you don’t have to fill out arcane forms at Roz’s establishment.
jmolay161 over 2 years ago
At least the menu should be easier to read than a vision chart.
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member over 2 years ago
And yet, you keep on returning.
Doug K over 2 years ago
That’s a relief. He didn’t come here for the charm.
'IndyMan' over 2 years ago
At Roz’s, there are times when the worst food is better than the service ! ! ! !
purepaul Premium Member over 2 years ago
Fifty years ago, our local DMV was so difficult people would drive to the next county to renew licenses. New generation and they are really nice. Don’t live in the past. Things can and do change.
preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago
That bad, eh? At least Cosmo’s there to provide stimulating conversation. s/
joannesshadow over 2 years ago
I haven’t been to the Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles in years. What I can’t do online, I do at the local AAA office. And it is a lot easier.
barb_herb over 2 years ago
Got in line at 7:30am; was unlocking door to our home near 5:00pm. We are new to this state, and needed current license for something absolutely necessary. So we were able to jump the five (5) month normal waiting time for new residents. Where we moved from, the average wait time was one hour. Although we did hear of people who had to wait two hours due to being from out of state without the necessary documentation, or there was a question about former marriages, etc. Here, the people at DMV took their time perusing our mail (insurance policies, utility bills, letter from U S Government branches/agencies,investment firms. Needed to match all the addresses. Good reading, sure, but only added to the slowness. Criticize, and an error would be found, and you would have to return another day. These (small) people had power in their hands. We knew it, they knew it. The American Way today.