The whole point of admission exams is to select the students who will most likely complete the course.
Those who attend expensive private schools with tutors are more likely to get a higher admissions score, than those who attend a standard high school.
Their subsequent performance at university where they need to depend on their own resources however does not measure up to their admission score.
That is the purpose of affirmative action, to compensate for the effect of money and parental resources which skew the the measure of the best students in the university environment.
Line one mile long in Scptland to pay personal respects to the late Queen Elizabeth.
There’ll be a line that long at Donald Trump’s funeral.They’ll all be carrying crowbars to break open the coffin to see if the money he owes them is hidden inside,
If that drop in affirmative actions students admitted is a real thing, you could certainly see that it would make her feel uneasy about her own qualifications and abilities.
Geophyzz over 2 years ago
People should be assessed on their ability, not their skin color.
Prey over 2 years ago
I am surprised Woodies nose still that shape!
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
How many applied?
John Leonard Premium Member over 2 years ago
Woody, no doubt, was a legacy admission trust-fund baby. Dear old Pater put a new wing on the law school library to get him admitted there.
jvo over 2 years ago
The whole point of admission exams is to select the students who will most likely complete the course.
Those who attend expensive private schools with tutors are more likely to get a higher admissions score, than those who attend a standard high school.
Their subsequent performance at university where they need to depend on their own resources however does not measure up to their admission score.
That is the purpose of affirmative action, to compensate for the effect of money and parental resources which skew the the measure of the best students in the university environment.
prrdh over 2 years ago
Woody must really like the taste of his foot as much as the sound of his voice. over 2 years ago
Why would Black people want to degrade themselves by becoming lawyers? over 2 years ago
Line one mile long in Scptland to pay personal respects to the late Queen Elizabeth.
There’ll be a line that long at Donald Trump’s funeral.They’ll all be carrying crowbars to break open the coffin to see if the money he owes them is hidden inside,
Diat60 over 2 years ago
If that drop in affirmative actions students admitted is a real thing, you could certainly see that it would make her feel uneasy about her own qualifications and abilities.
CelticKnot33 over 2 years ago
Man, the 90s were a different time.
I suppose.
jrankin1959 over 2 years ago
Yes, please go… this is getting old.
DavidReynolds3 over 2 years ago
If there were 14 Black students admitted, why is there only one Black student in the class?
mikendi over 2 years ago
Clarence Thomas is a moron…