A man is upset about his irrational fear that there is a monster under his bed. He decides this needed to change so he starts going to a therapist. After months of therapy, his fear is still there, so he leaves the therapist to find someone who can cure him.
A month later the therapist runs into him and sees that he appears happier than before.
She asks “Did you finally get over your fear of a monster under your bed”
He replies “Yes, and it only took one therapy session too!”
“Simple. He just told me to cut off the legs of my bed.”
SHAKENDOWNVILLE about 2 years ago
Small panel: Not “Rodeo” {cattle} Drive. Large panel: “Sporthog.”
Doug K about 2 years ago
On the left: They don’t quite see things the same: He’s okay with it – he thinks she’s a keeper. But she is definitely not into bondage.
Egrayjames about 2 years ago
Small panel: Maybe the spurs weren’t such a good idea.
Large panel: Don’t worry so much about closet…What’s under the bed could be worse.
John Smith about 2 years ago
A man is upset about his irrational fear that there is a monster under his bed. He decides this needed to change so he starts going to a therapist. After months of therapy, his fear is still there, so he leaves the therapist to find someone who can cure him.
A month later the therapist runs into him and sees that he appears happier than before.
She asks “Did you finally get over your fear of a monster under your bed”
He replies “Yes, and it only took one therapy session too!”
“Simple. He just told me to cut off the legs of my bed.”
WCraft Premium Member about 2 years ago
Maybe those two should switch roles?
goboboyd about 2 years ago
Both panels: Dress for the job you want? Unspoken though it may be.
tung cha cha cha about 2 years ago
My goodness, those boots in the small panel.
gopher gofer about 2 years ago
“he thought you said roll playing…”