I want to see a romance between Nate and someone else that actually lasts for more than a year. Angie lasted seven months, Kelly lasted eight, and Trudy lasted only five. I think it would be cool to see a long-term romance that actually involves the main character (i.e. Nate).
Spring Fever Nate over 2 years ago
Yesterday: 5/10
Another week of waiting for a decent arc, i suppose.
Lucinda123 over 2 years ago
Why are kids always saying he’s fat? I mean, he is, but they are getting bolder, aren’t they.
Dragongirl55 over 2 years ago
It’s always been interesting to me how some characters have ‘C’ shaped ears, and some have, like, ‘3’ shaped ears. Neat little stylistic choice.
Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers) over 2 years ago
He’s dealt with kindergarteners before, so he knows they’re tricky. SPG just has a bad memory.
3/10 He will never learn.
Johnny Appleseed over 2 years ago
A bit too curious at times as one might say
ArcticTails over 2 years ago
Deja Vu?
Goat from PBS over 2 years ago
They also have no filter. It makes them funnier that way.
Chris over 2 years ago
and rude with truth. :\
Clarence over 2 years ago
But not that type of curiosity
dinocorn over 2 years ago
I’m being assaulted by a fly.
elbow macaroni over 2 years ago
Get back in class, Nate.
dv1093 over 2 years ago
How does Nate get out of school all day to assist the photographer?
ishowdaddymilk1 over 2 years ago
Will_Scarlet over 2 years ago
Seriously, what happened to the Nate and Gina setup? It stopped right in the middle.
parkervance07 over 2 years ago
I want to see a romance between Nate and someone else that actually lasts for more than a year. Angie lasted seven months, Kelly lasted eight, and Trudy lasted only five. I think it would be cool to see a long-term romance that actually involves the main character (i.e. Nate).
orbenjawell Premium Member over 2 years ago
ha ha……ha Ha HA!!
megafan over 2 years ago
I think this week is a rerun
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
and honestly innocent……
Gen.Flashman over 2 years ago
So is he still in grade school K-6? Have always been puzzled how if he was in first year of middle school jhow he knew all the teachers.
Coolio Coolness over 2 years ago
I am so Disgusted. This is Scary.
maybe a human over 2 years ago
Swayamplays over 2 years ago
I also had picture day today.
NiceFacing over 2 years ago
School picture guy is just built different
illegal hacker over 2 years ago
Dumb girl, she is so Dumb and stupid!
Sun Flurrie (Comic Reviewer) over 2 years ago
What’s happening with you all? Curious to see what’s happened lately
Hysterical Nate over 2 years ago
Not a rerun.
Script Rating: 9/10