Call them what we may; Fascists, Christo-fascists, Ultra-right, Uber Authoritarian……it all amounts to the same….“those who represent unbridled power and control will always destroy – they will never buildup”. They will destroy every segment of society which they designate as “other”; and as each is destroyed in turn they will invent a new boogeyman to focus rage upon. Rational society must root them out and prosecute the leaders and guilty perpetrators of crimes; with appropriately stiff penalties levied.
Qiset over 2 years ago
If we are lucky.
LongWong over 2 years ago
buffalo wings would be great
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
Yep ….all fascists are Right-winged…they need their wings clipped for good!
Tinman Premium Member over 2 years ago
Nationalist Socialist Party. Right wing, really?
gary.eddings4157 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Call them what we may; Fascists, Christo-fascists, Ultra-right, Uber Authoritarian……it all amounts to the same….“those who represent unbridled power and control will always destroy – they will never buildup”. They will destroy every segment of society which they designate as “other”; and as each is destroyed in turn they will invent a new boogeyman to focus rage upon. Rational society must root them out and prosecute the leaders and guilty perpetrators of crimes; with appropriately stiff penalties levied.