Mitty reminds me of my furry speed bump, Honor. She does get out of my way, as I’m the one who fell last year and went away (to the ER with a broken knee).
Cats do frequently provide agility training for human beings. It does keep me nimble. That said, NEVER make any unusual moves, especially stretches off center while standing in a bathtub or shower. That moves your center of gravity in a dangerous way. Slip and fall is the most common serious home accident.
My two mini-panthers have a way of getting under my feet, especially in the dark. I feel guilty when I step on a paw or tail, even though it’s their own fault.
fullmoondeb Premium Member over 2 years ago
Charliegirl Premium Member over 2 years ago
in-dubio-pro-rainbow over 2 years ago
Don’t be so “Petty” about my “Free Fallin’”
cat19632001 over 2 years ago
A cat would never fall on the floor like that, Angie. Unless they did but that was only because they meant to.
cat19632001 over 2 years ago
Mitty, of course you’re worried about mom hurting herself right? And not about who would feed you liver treats.
Nuliajuk over 2 years ago
Cats are so agile, they don’t understand that we are big lumbering clumsy things by comparison.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 2 years ago
Mitty reminds me of my furry speed bump, Honor. She does get out of my way, as I’m the one who fell last year and went away (to the ER with a broken knee).
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
Cats do frequently provide agility training for human beings. It does keep me nimble. That said, NEVER make any unusual moves, especially stretches off center while standing in a bathtub or shower. That moves your center of gravity in a dangerous way. Slip and fall is the most common serious home accident.
JLChi over 2 years ago
A broken knee. Ouch and double ouch. I know how much that hurts. I’m so glad you’re better, but I know it wasn’t fun getting there.
emiesty Premium Member over 2 years ago
My two mini-panthers have a way of getting under my feet, especially in the dark. I feel guilty when I step on a paw or tail, even though it’s their own fault.