Poncho pulled a Homer Simpson, though credit to Poncho: unlike Homer the monkey didn’t need to be taken from his custody for their own good, Poncho sent the poor thing back knowing he’d worn it out and wanting it to live a valid life. Still no self reflection in either case but that wouldn’t be nearly as funny.
In the metal mines in Bisbee, AZ the mules that were used to pull the ore carts lived underground for 5 years straight never seeing the light of day. After 5 years they were retired to pasture to live out their remaining days without having to work again. Mules live between 20 and 30 years.
Certain breeds of monkeys can be trained, at a high expense, to provide services to disabled people – such as turning on lights, retrieving small objects that have been dropped, alerting to smoke alarms, things like that. They are service animals, akin to dogs who are service dogs for the blind.
ronaldspence over 2 years ago
Oh Poncho, you might be the first dog pursued by the ASPCA!
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
I think six-month-old Coco helped too much (thanks to Poncho’s abuse).
Jacob Mattingly over 2 years ago
Poncho pulled a Homer Simpson, though credit to Poncho: unlike Homer the monkey didn’t need to be taken from his custody for their own good, Poncho sent the poor thing back knowing he’d worn it out and wanting it to live a valid life. Still no self reflection in either case but that wouldn’t be nearly as funny.
222jo over 2 years ago
Bucky Kat needs to know the number of this agency.
nosirrom over 2 years ago
In the metal mines in Bisbee, AZ the mules that were used to pull the ore carts lived underground for 5 years straight never seeing the light of day. After 5 years they were retired to pasture to live out their remaining days without having to work again. Mules live between 20 and 30 years.
Windfall35 over 2 years ago
You can rent a ‘helper monkey??’
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Helper monkey? I thought that was kids.
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
Certain breeds of monkeys can be trained, at a high expense, to provide services to disabled people – such as turning on lights, retrieving small objects that have been dropped, alerting to smoke alarms, things like that. They are service animals, akin to dogs who are service dogs for the blind.
[Unnamed Reader - b76a53] over 2 years ago
What did Poncho do to him?
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 2 years ago
Quite contradictory..
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 2 years ago
On ‘The Simpsons’, Homer ruined a helper monkey in a couple of weeks.