At the premiere of Pinocchio, Walt hired a few men to wear Pinocchio costumes and stand on top of the marquee. They were provided food as they would be there all day. By the middle of the afternoon they were all nude because the costumes were hot and drunk.
Too bad TFG can’t get more competent attorneys…maybe if he actually paid some of his bills, he might get some. Or, he could ask his Fairy Godmother, Margarine Traitor Gazpacho, for some…
Actually, Trump now seems to have a competent attorney. He doesn’t seem to be able to accomplish much though, because Dolt 45 can’t keep his mouth shut, and he insists on digging himself in deeper, a clear sign of his megalomania. So far, the attorney has not been able to wrest the shovel out of Dolt 45’s hands or get the psychiatric muffler into his mouth.
Why do I say that the attorney is competent? He had the foresight to get himself paid up front. $2M worth from the RNC. Only someone who is sane enough to look at Dolt’s situation and cut through the miasma of demented BS that the man spews would be that capable. But as long as Dolt keeps on yakipating, it will be nearly impossible for him to gain the fool any kind of legal ground.
Sadly for Trump, if he continues in this vein, his attorney may have no choice but to request whomever the judge is who sits his first case in court to submit his client under a court order for examination for megalomania. Being insane is Trump’s only valid way out of either prison for life … or being put in the chair or stood before a firing squad for treason, unless Congress somehow concocts a legal path for him to to avoid his legal issues.
I see where tRump got himself a high priced attorney. Paid him a $3 million retainer and won’t take his advice. At least the attorney was smart enough to get the $$ up front.
There are “good” attorneys out there. When my wife and I decided on an amicable divorce, we went to a lawyer in Santa Barbara, who carefully explained that we did not need a lawyer, told us where to get the necessary forms and did not charge us for the consultation. We had never met him before and he had no reason to do us any favors. Choose carefully.
C over 2 years ago
When shysters procreate
rmremail over 2 years ago
It’s a good thing he didn’t go to his fairy godfather, or Geppetto would have been ‘rubbed out’
sirbadger over 2 years ago
Pinocchio was able to keep his nose above water during the hurricane flood.
Erse IS better over 2 years ago
Kid’s asleep. Parent wins.
Ratkin Premium Member over 2 years ago
Elizabeth Holmes
eastern.woods.metal over 2 years ago
Fairy tails delivered in monotone
Enter.Name.Here over 2 years ago
If you REALLY want to put someone to sleep, then tell a tale involving litigation.
keenanthelibrarian over 2 years ago
Yeah, well, obviously guaranteed to put anyone to sleep …
goboboyd over 2 years ago
The varnish is off the wooden apple.
Mugens Premium Member over 2 years ago
Having recently reread the book, I’d have to say that darn puppet needed some type of legal assistance at a minimum.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
There’s nothing bad that can’t be made worse by a good lawyer.
rmremail over 2 years ago
I always added to the fairy tales. In the ‘Three Little Pigs’, the third pig had an engineering degree (and the first two were eaten by the wolf)
mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago
Even the Grimm Brothers wouldn’t have put such horrible creature in their stories.
daveoverpar over 2 years ago
At the premiere of Pinocchio, Walt hired a few men to wear Pinocchio costumes and stand on top of the marquee. They were provided food as they would be there all day. By the middle of the afternoon they were all nude because the costumes were hot and drunk.
Masterskrain over 2 years ago
Too bad TFG can’t get more competent attorneys…maybe if he actually paid some of his bills, he might get some. Or, he could ask his Fairy Godmother, Margarine Traitor Gazpacho, for some…
Nebulous Premium Member over 2 years ago
Forget the competent attorneys, all he needs is one fully bought and paid for judge.
Doug K over 2 years ago
He seems to have trouble separating his own problems from the stories he reads to his children.
uniquename over 2 years ago
Pinocchio had a fairy godmother?
SrTechWriter over 2 years ago
Actually, Trump now seems to have a competent attorney. He doesn’t seem to be able to accomplish much though, because Dolt 45 can’t keep his mouth shut, and he insists on digging himself in deeper, a clear sign of his megalomania. So far, the attorney has not been able to wrest the shovel out of Dolt 45’s hands or get the psychiatric muffler into his mouth.
Why do I say that the attorney is competent? He had the foresight to get himself paid up front. $2M worth from the RNC. Only someone who is sane enough to look at Dolt’s situation and cut through the miasma of demented BS that the man spews would be that capable. But as long as Dolt keeps on yakipating, it will be nearly impossible for him to gain the fool any kind of legal ground.
Sadly for Trump, if he continues in this vein, his attorney may have no choice but to request whomever the judge is who sits his first case in court to submit his client under a court order for examination for megalomania. Being insane is Trump’s only valid way out of either prison for life … or being put in the chair or stood before a firing squad for treason, unless Congress somehow concocts a legal path for him to to avoid his legal issues.
Congress MUST NOT be able to do so.
mindjob over 2 years ago
The fairy tale reading is a success. No redaction is necessary
sandflea over 2 years ago
I see where tRump got himself a high priced attorney. Paid him a $3 million retainer and won’t take his advice. At least the attorney was smart enough to get the $$ up front.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 2 years ago
Now: Are referring to Richard M. Pinocchio or Donald R. Pinocchio?
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
There are “good” attorneys out there. When my wife and I decided on an amicable divorce, we went to a lawyer in Santa Barbara, who carefully explained that we did not need a lawyer, told us where to get the necessary forms and did not charge us for the consultation. We had never met him before and he had no reason to do us any favors. Choose carefully.
LeslieAnn Premium Member over 2 years ago
I like Dad’s little smile.
WDemBlk Premium Member over 2 years ago
To all my Jewish friends: May you be inscribed in the book of life for the coming year.