My first jury duty was under the old rules, where I had to wait around for two weeks to find a trial before I would have been released. Right at the end of that time they put me on a trial, by which time I had run out of the provided bus tickets. Before I could get more tickets, the jury attendant wanted to know which judge it was, but I couldn’t remember. She started listing off judges, and I wanted to say, “Objection. Leading.”
Watching court on TV much better then in the court room. I learned what not to do by the bad ones taking advantage of the good ones. I know defendant and Plantive.
Freebyrd1 12 months ago
He’s listening jn braille.
PaulLeckner 12 months ago
Yup! My father watched Andy Griffith as Ben Matlock religiously.
The Reader Premium Member 12 months ago
Objection! Council is leading the witness.
jagedlo 12 months ago
Nick, I think you were just overruled!
Studebaker Hoch 12 months ago
Purple People Eater 12 months ago
Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea ! (How’s that for legalese?)
Ermine Notyours 12 months ago
My first jury duty was under the old rules, where I had to wait around for two weeks to find a trial before I would have been released. Right at the end of that time they put me on a trial, by which time I had run out of the provided bus tickets. Before I could get more tickets, the jury attendant wanted to know which judge it was, but I couldn’t remember. She started listing off judges, and I wanted to say, “Objection. Leading.”
kab2rb 12 months ago
Watching court on TV much better then in the court room. I learned what not to do by the bad ones taking advantage of the good ones. I know defendant and Plantive.
listmom 12 months ago
At least it’s not Perry Mason.
GG_loves_comics Premium Member 12 months ago
Well, that certainly wasn’t vague or ambiguous!