Ha! What a funny turn of events.
Now that’s an angry bird!
A serious lack of brains can cause needless panic.
…as the crow flies…
It they had used a turnip for a head, this could have been part of Howl’s Moving Castle.
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September 04, 2013
June 06, 2017
December 05, 2017
Red Bird over 2 years ago
Ha! What a funny turn of events.
uniquename over 2 years ago
Now that’s an angry bird!
Thomas R. Williams over 2 years ago
A serious lack of brains can cause needless panic.
coffeeturtle over 2 years ago
…as the crow flies…
nboady over 2 years ago
It they had used a turnip for a head, this could have been part of Howl’s Moving Castle.
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
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