It still won’t be tall enough to obscure the wind vane of a six foot wooden goose with spinning wings. Squeaking on a swaying wooden pole. A thick hedge may dampen the cacophony of of his wind chime collection. One metal, one wood, one from spare car parts. Not a connoisseur of Folk Art?
coltish1 about 2 years ago
Who would play Ludman in the sitcom? Norman Fell? Joseph Kearns? How about Earl Hindman?
goboboyd about 2 years ago
It still won’t be tall enough to obscure the wind vane of a six foot wooden goose with spinning wings. Squeaking on a swaying wooden pole. A thick hedge may dampen the cacophony of of his wind chime collection. One metal, one wood, one from spare car parts. Not a connoisseur of Folk Art?
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 2 years ago
maureenmck Premium Member about 2 years ago
Norm didn’t quite get the intended take-away