Fun fact for those who aren’t aware: Schrodinger’s Cat was a pisstake of quantum physics that Erwin wrote to Einstein as a way of showing his dislike of the field. The only reason anyone takes it seriously is people after his death missed the point entirely
tudza Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s a toy piano.
bobnedzel almost 2 years ago
Is the cat dead or alive?
T... almost 2 years ago
What parallel universe are they in…
gopher gofer almost 2 years ago
how can they tell if the cat’s away…?
edmund_graham 10 months ago
Fun fact for those who aren’t aware: Schrodinger’s Cat was a pisstake of quantum physics that Erwin wrote to Einstein as a way of showing his dislike of the field. The only reason anyone takes it seriously is people after his death missed the point entirely