There have probably been hundreds more old-timers who have impeded the orderly advancement of scientific thought. Religion and superstition and vanity had gripped their thought. Recall the controversy regarding the dodecahedron that virtually halted Western science for hundreds of years. And Aristotle, who valued philosophical basket weaving over experimentation. Except for a few older men, the truly revolutionary concepts in science seem to come from younger men. I think the young man in the cartoon is meant to be talking tongue-in-cheek.
Einstein was 26 in 1905 (His annus mirabilis aka amazing year) When he released 4 groundbreaking papers on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy. I’m surprised Zach made that mistake.
Buoy over 2 years ago
So there is still hope for me, to be a genius not only in my own mind?
20 years ago when I said “I’ll be Bach,” I wasn’t kidding, but I am now.
Ed The Red Premium Member over 2 years ago
Harlan Sanders was 62 years old when he opened the first KFC franchise.
Ida No over 2 years ago
Brilliant young runs in the family. Brilliant old? No verification yet.
ekw555 over 2 years ago
he can’t be “that old” if his son is in his 20s.if he had kids “late in life”, he could have gotten the degree first.
PraiseofFolly over 2 years ago
There have probably been hundreds more old-timers who have impeded the orderly advancement of scientific thought. Religion and superstition and vanity had gripped their thought. Recall the controversy regarding the dodecahedron that virtually halted Western science for hundreds of years. And Aristotle, who valued philosophical basket weaving over experimentation. Except for a few older men, the truly revolutionary concepts in science seem to come from younger men. I think the young man in the cartoon is meant to be talking tongue-in-cheek.
fullplatebeta Premium Member over 2 years ago
Craig Bobchin Premium Member over 2 years ago
Einstein was 26 in 1905 (His annus mirabilis aka amazing year) When he released 4 groundbreaking papers on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy. I’m surprised Zach made that mistake.