6ºC tonight with 60% chance of showers. Highs 6º to 9º this week, lows -2º to 3º. Rain and showers in the Comox Vallet and environs. Moosonee, Northern Ontario Highs -14º to 1º, lows -24º to -14º snow. All temps in C. I think is’t going to be another 5 cat night tonight with doggos on the floor.
katey11 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Do people in Northern Ontario run on the store for bread, milk and toilet paper too? Or do they just laugh at people other places who do?
Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Those are boots to use when you are walking on icy surfaces.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
6ºC tonight with 60% chance of showers. Highs 6º to 9º this week, lows -2º to 3º. Rain and showers in the Comox Vallet and environs. Moosonee, Northern Ontario Highs -14º to 1º, lows -24º to -14º snow. All temps in C. I think is’t going to be another 5 cat night tonight with doggos on the floor.