It was the opposite with a cat I had as a teenager…actually, before I had her. A beautiful black cat kept hanging around our house. She’d come in & snuggle with us on occasion, but never asked for food. My family went on a 3-week vacation; my grandmother stayed at our house to watch it. The day we came home, the cat was sitting on our porch waiting for us, but my grandmother told us that the cat wasn’t there a single day while we were gone (we eventually found her people & they gave her to us, complete with all her vet paperwork).
This is my eldest cat, who owns me. My wife says he’ll look for me in the house when I’m gone and almost always jumps up and runs to the door when he hears me pull in the drive. But when I walk in the door he ignores me, totally, for at least a few minutes.
Over at “9 Chickweed Lane” Solange, in one of her “Hallmarks of Felinity” cultivated an aloof indifference to squalid humanity…unless they had a box of kitty treats.
cholomanaba about 2 years ago
just install a video camera… you may be surprised, Rose
Macushlalondra about 2 years ago
Oh they notice but pretend not to. Cat pride. Must remain aloof.
GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member about 2 years ago
cubswin2016 about 2 years ago
Cats do not notice much.
ddjg about 2 years ago
The rhythm of this one is nice . .
Wren Fahel about 2 years ago
It was the opposite with a cat I had as a teenager…actually, before I had her. A beautiful black cat kept hanging around our house. She’d come in & snuggle with us on occasion, but never asked for food. My family went on a 3-week vacation; my grandmother stayed at our house to watch it. The day we came home, the cat was sitting on our porch waiting for us, but my grandmother told us that the cat wasn’t there a single day while we were gone (we eventually found her people & they gave her to us, complete with all her vet paperwork).
Doug K about 2 years ago
Didn’t you miss me even a little?
bryan42 about 2 years ago
This is my eldest cat, who owns me. My wife says he’ll look for me in the house when I’m gone and almost always jumps up and runs to the door when he hears me pull in the drive. But when I walk in the door he ignores me, totally, for at least a few minutes.
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
Got worn out looking for her.
yangeldf about 2 years ago
so cats actually ARE like dogs, they just don’t want you to know it
samfran6-0 about 2 years ago
I went to Mardi Gras one year and stayed gone for a week. When I came home, my cats ignored me for days in protest. LOL
eced52 about 2 years ago
Oh, the deceit of cats.
DKHenderson 7 months ago
Over at “9 Chickweed Lane” Solange, in one of her “Hallmarks of Felinity” cultivated an aloof indifference to squalid humanity…unless they had a box of kitty treats.