A man walks into a shop and sees a dog. He asks the shopkeeper, “Does your dog bite?” The shopkeeper says, “No, my dog doesn’t bite.” The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him. “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite!” The shopkeeper says, “That is not my dog!”
Everyone is saying that the cat is attacking Nate but judging by its facial expression it looks like it’s just trying to play. This is evidenced by the fact that the lady just does not care that Nate is screaming at the top of his lungs.
I think even the friendliest cat on earth will jump on Nate. They can smell fear, which, if you didn’t know, makes them wanna attack you. Nate has the strongest ailurophobia ever.
Prediction: This whole arc is gonna lead to Nate realizing that not all cats are mean and that some are nice. He than will either overcome his fear of cats or just push it to be a minor fear of his.
“Prissy, Prissy, Prissy, Prissy! Prissy wake up! I don’t like this! Prissy wake up! Hey, hello? Gotta wake up! Gotta wake up! Gotta wake up, Prissy! I don’t like this Prissy! Gosh sake Prissy! I don’t like this, Prissy wake uup!
pearlsbs about 2 years ago
A man walks into a shop and sees a dog. He asks the shopkeeper, “Does your dog bite?” The shopkeeper says, “No, my dog doesn’t bite.” The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him. “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite!” The shopkeeper says, “That is not my dog!”
Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers) about 2 years ago
At least she means well. Sure, she’ll hurt him, but she just wants to hug him. Nothing wrong with that.
2/10 I hate Nate’s catphobia, because it’s never funny.
CRaZy biG NaTe about 2 years ago
lol oNce whEn Nate wAs 3 nOw aGaIn
**Guardians of the galaxy huge fan + star-lord pc about 2 years ago
" Wouldn’t hurt a fly" yeah right
Appel Pai about 2 years ago
Everyone is saying that the cat is attacking Nate but judging by its facial expression it looks like it’s just trying to play. This is evidenced by the fact that the lady just does not care that Nate is screaming at the top of his lungs.
Neat1Up about 2 years ago
I’d freak out too if a stranger cat jumped me.
Strip rating: 7/10 the cat seemed really eager to jump on Nate for some reason
Goat from PBS about 2 years ago
This cat has the mind of a dog.
Good vibes Dee Dee about 2 years ago
I think even the friendliest cat on earth will jump on Nate. They can smell fear, which, if you didn’t know, makes them wanna attack you. Nate has the strongest ailurophobia ever.
Good vibes Dee Dee about 2 years ago
Prediction: This whole arc is gonna lead to Nate realizing that not all cats are mean and that some are nice. He than will either overcome his fear of cats or just push it to be a minor fear of his.
Clarence about 2 years ago
But she’ll hurt a boy
BiggerNate91 about 2 years ago
I hope Nate realizes that it’s not actually an attack.
Bignates#1superfan about 2 years ago
will he change tomorrow?
LINK_O_NEAL about 2 years ago
Only flies are safe around Prissy.
pbjb about 2 years ago
Unfunny, over-repeated unoriginal. Wow this comic is at a low point.
gabelee417 (the ultimate Beatles fan) about 2 years ago
I don’t blame Nate. I’d be surprised too if a cat suddenly jumped at me.
Also, hi! I’m GabeLee417, the ultimate Packers fan! This is my first comment, and hopefully, I will comment often, so I hope I’m not dull!
ThatOneYoshiFan about 2 years ago
Hey Guys, can someone send me the link to the strip where Nate had his drawing switched with someone’s poem
this account is dead T~T about 2 years ago
Surprised that the woman isn’t fazed…
raybarb44 about 2 years ago
A big cat CAN kill but a little cat never hurts……
markkahler52 about 2 years ago
MYow?! Still HILARIOUS!! :)
BigNate'sBiggestFan#1 about 2 years ago
I actually dont know
BigNate'sBiggestFan#1 about 2 years ago
I think so
anonymooseandsquirrel Premium Member about 2 years ago
So hoping Prissy Kitty loves Nate and helps Nate with his fear! Also, love the way LP draws cats. :)
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
“Prissy, Prissy, Prissy, Prissy! Prissy wake up! I don’t like this! Prissy wake up! Hey, hello? Gotta wake up! Gotta wake up! Gotta wake up, Prissy! I don’t like this Prissy! Gosh sake Prissy! I don’t like this, Prissy wake uup!
dumpling about 2 years ago
i mean, nates pretty much a fly. hes tiny and weak.
maybe a human about 2 years ago
friendly cat proceeds to kill nate
An innocent bystander about 2 years ago
What do you call a joke without a punchline?
Dr.Phil about 2 years ago
Why is he afraid of cats. yeah phobia but it not like it will do serious harm, I mean he never got hurt? smh
da mickey rat treehouse about 2 years ago
git trippin
Calvin&Hobbes about 2 years ago
What kind of name is “Prissy?”