That dropping had the potential to break the nut. Never mind, next time dropping from a higher height would do the trick. The squirrel has a knack to get things done.
But I still keep wondering: do squirrels actually eat walnuts? The nuts don’t come off the tree looking like that, they’re more like green baseballs, and the outer husk has a very pungent odor and a VERY persistent dyeing effect —-everything that touches the husk becomes dark brown! …the squirrels that I know eat acorns and beechnuts and pine buds… and birdseed, of course.
David_the_CAD about 2 years ago
Well next time walk along the sidewalk so that it can hit a hard surface.
Farside99 about 2 years ago
Next time, I’ll drop it on your head!
rshive about 2 years ago
If you want more helpful fairies, you have to pay more.
littlejohn Premium Member about 2 years ago
Are you trying to say that it was a nutty fairy? Or are you trying to say that fairy was nuts?
bryce.gear about 2 years ago
Think the bird missed by just a little bit. Think the Squirrels head was the target. :-D
jagedlo about 2 years ago
A little spoiled aren’t we? The fairy can’t do everything for you! about 2 years ago
Perhaps the “fairy” missed!
MS72 about 2 years ago
You have to drop it on a rock.
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
Now you have to wait for the nutcracker fairy. about 2 years ago
After years of MUTTS,it’s time to get revenge on squirrels
Wichita1.0 about 2 years ago
It’s like the recognition code phrase in of the 1960s CCC Dr. Mabuse films: “God gives you nuts, but he doesn’t crack them for you.”
rbullfogg about 2 years ago
Sounds like our society now!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 2 years ago
In other words, “You missed!”
raybarb44 about 2 years ago
Missed him by just that much……
hagarthehorrible about 2 years ago
That dropping had the potential to break the nut. Never mind, next time dropping from a higher height would do the trick. The squirrel has a knack to get things done.
Felicity-the-cat about 2 years ago
But I still keep wondering: do squirrels actually eat walnuts? The nuts don’t come off the tree looking like that, they’re more like green baseballs, and the outer husk has a very pungent odor and a VERY persistent dyeing effect —-everything that touches the husk becomes dark brown! …the squirrels that I know eat acorns and beechnuts and pine buds… and birdseed, of course.