Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for November 24, 2022

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    Gizmo Cat  about 2 years ago

    Happy thanksgiving to all you Americans!

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    rshive  about 2 years ago

    That you don’t even have to clean, Peekaboo.

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    littlejohn Premium Member about 2 years ago

    This is the only part of Thanksgiving that I dislike — all those extra dishes to clean, plus the cooking dishes.

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    bostondad406  about 2 years ago
    - thank you, rose is rose - your comic is a consistent bright spot, always uplifting, in my day — unusual, and deeply appreciated - thank you -
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    jagedlo  about 2 years ago

    Glad to see the men helping out!

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    kelloggs2066  about 2 years ago

    Well folks,

    We’ve been through a lot. But, the fact that we’re here to give thanks means we’ve still got a lot to be thankful for.

    Bless you and your family on Thanksgiving.

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    Newenglandah  about 2 years ago

    We seem to be missing Fanny (Clem’s mom and Rose’s sister). I am wondering what Clem’s father is like.

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    samfran6-0  about 2 years ago

    Everyone, have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

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    norphos  about 2 years ago

    Happy Thanksgiving to all us Yanks! Our Canadian neighbors did theirs on Columbus Day/Indigenous Americans Day.

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    kathleenhicks62  about 2 years ago

    I refuse to wash their dishes!

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    EnlilEnkiEa  about 2 years ago

    He just stacks the food vertically.

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    raybarb44  about 2 years ago

    Not as much fun though…..

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    hagarthehorrible  about 2 years ago

    I wonder who is going to wash those tons of utensils.

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    mafastore  about 2 years ago

    We had the oddest, but not the worst Thanksgiving since we’ve been together this year.

    We used to have both families here every year for Thanksgiving. I handled it all – cooking, clean up, moving furniture, climbing up and getting dishes/glasses down, assembling the leaves into the table, etc. No problems. We stopped having everyone in after we had bed bugs and could not stand the thought of anyone in the house besides us.

    Now Thanksgiving dinner is the two of us. This year he helped. Understand he is the better cook – but his family did not eat at home for holidays or formally at all and he gets a bit annoyed with me “playing” with my good dishes, etc for holidays. “Why do we have to eat in the dining room?” (For one thing, we need the kitchen table for carving the turkey.) “I don’t like fabric napkins” – so I use same and give him a (Ikea bought) matching paper napkin.

    This year, though was the oddest and most disorganization – he helped. Everything was done out of order. If it was not that we have dessert late night and not after dinner the pies would not have been cooked as it was all so confused. He likes pumpkin pie; I like apple – so I bake one of each and we eat tiny pieces for well over a week. His was in the oven. Mine – apple – I buy canned apples, but we bought the wrong kind – sweetened with an artificial sweetener that makes me ill. So he had pie (at 2 am when we have our late night snacks) and I had Cheerios.

    Now we are in the midst of eating the eating the rest of the 16 lb turkey he bought and the rest of the leftovers. What turkey has not been eaten will be frozen in meal size portions sometime this week and and we fill in side dishes as we finish eating them. I am hoping he wants ham for Christmas.

    I do have the room back to rights – good china, silverware, dining room table boards and cover put away, and table linens washed and stored away.

    Now I have to work on getting ready for our Christmas trees.

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