remids me of a Mad Magazine strip.
Dad walks up to the expensive sled and asks the kid standing beside it where his son is. told that the lad is sliding down the snowy hill nearby, he asks how it can be so, since the sled is right there. the response? he’s using the box.
bald over 15 years ago
like a kid, they like to play with the big boxes more than the toys
yyyguy over 15 years ago
remids me of a Mad Magazine strip. Dad walks up to the expensive sled and asks the kid standing beside it where his son is. told that the lad is sliding down the snowy hill nearby, he asks how it can be so, since the sled is right there. the response? he’s using the box.
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
Ahhhhhhhhh, boxes without topses.
lululu9 over 15 years ago