Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 25, 2023

  1. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  over 1 year ago

    Don’t you just hate when that happens?

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  2. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    “friends grow up”? What? You mean your friends grow up and stop having fun?! How sad. :(

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I agree with the other lady that what Cathy is saying is immature. Sadly, some people get into that mindset and don’t realize that their outlook is shallow and childish, and thus they never change. My sister is one of those, and she still thinks we are in some kind of competition and that we need to argue about things, even though I haven’t cared about what she does for a long time. It has gotten to the point where I don’t say much to her or react to her, but she will still twist my lack of response into something about her and make that into a conflict. She stresses me out.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Thursday! Thank you for your kind wishes for Lil! Her high school program was rigorous and she put a lot of work in. About 30% didn’t finish (they graduated, just not in the program she did), so I’m proud of her for sticking with it. She is going to Pitt to study physical therapy (unless she changes her mind), and I think she will do well. Have a great day, all!

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  4. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 1 year ago


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  5. Cathy aack Premium Member over 1 year ago

    And you don’t.

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