Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun for February 05, 2023

  1. Missing large
    seanfear  almost 2 years ago

    the problem is in admitting then not in being wrong in the first place

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    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    When you’re right you’re right! ☺️

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    Frank Burns Eats Worms  almost 2 years ago

    People who admit they’re wrong are alright in my book. People who always think they’re right rub me the wrong way.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    The first two frames could describe Brutus Thornapple

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  5. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  almost 2 years ago

    He’s an Adventurer who went broke quickly because he told his Financial Advisor, oh please you decide my risk level.

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  6. T
    T...  almost 2 years ago

    Stronger but still stupid…

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