In the Bleachers by Ben Zaehringer for February 10, 2023

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    hakuin  almost 2 years ago

    Alas, poor Yorick. I threw him well.

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    Doug K  almost 2 years ago

    Whether he attempts the shot or not, the result will be the same, he won’t get the three because he can’t make the three.

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    amxchester  almost 2 years ago

    Did you see the score from a high school tournament game in OK the other day of 4-2? Still not a shot clock Nation wide…..

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    Bob Blumenfeld  almost 2 years ago

    Somehow I just can’t see Hamlet with a mustache, let alone a handlebar.

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  5. Giphy
    jango  almost 2 years ago

    “From downtown….YESH!” (in my best Marv Albert imitation)

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  6. T
    T...  almost 2 years ago

    Three, three…

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  7. Raven1
    amaneaux  almost 2 years ago

    He plays for the Harlem Globe Theatres

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    Frank Burns Eats Worms  almost 2 years ago

    “A game of ‘horse’! A game of ‘horse’! My kingdom for a game of ‘horse’!”

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  9. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 2 years ago

    Think about it long enough and the defender will answer the question for you.

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