Jerry King Comics by Jerry King for February 15, 2023

  1. Talkingturkey 741293
    potfarmer  almost 2 years ago

    Look’s more like an iPad.

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  2. Img 1561
    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    Press 1 for Español

    Press 2 if you know your party’s extension

    Press 3 to speak to a human representative..2 hour wait

    Press 4 to hold for an hour for our robotic service…

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  3. Milky way rocks
    wrytercat  almost 2 years ago

    The phone menu at my workplace keeps changing for the worse. It’s almost impossible to get through to a real person. Whenever I’ve tried to call, I end up swearing and throwing the phone. Then I send a text to someone there.

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