Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for March 04, 2023

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  almost 2 years ago

    Just how much cushion do you need dude. Mercy.

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  2. Eye.eye
    Oh Really?  almost 2 years ago

    Look, a few million here- a few million there—- it starts to add up…. I see he’ll easily needs at least $10 million a month in extras… call it “mad-money”

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  3. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Of course, he is referring to a whoopee cushion.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Well, yes, we have to charge usurious prices for our product. And everyone not a CEO/CFO/attorney (or any other highly-qualified position) WILL by necessity need to be regarded/treated as any other commodity (acquired/maintained at lowest expense possible).

    How ELSE can there be multi-millionaires, and billionaires, and multi-billionaires?

    This is how it is SUPPOSED to be.

    Natural order.

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  5. Screenshot 20231128 222147 samsung internet
    Frank Burns Eats Worms  almost 2 years ago

    Check one of the offshore accounts, that’s where we hide the good stuff.

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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I saw an article with the clickbait title, “Inflation has even multimillionaires worried about their retirement.” I was curious so I let myself be sucked in. It was an article about people concerned they wouldn’t be able to get by on a mere $500,000 a year in retirement income.

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  7. T
    T...  almost 2 years ago

    after the IRS finishes I need that cushion…

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  8. Me in flag shirt
    paulscon  almost 2 years ago

    no matter how much we have, we want a little more

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  9. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  almost 2 years ago

    exactly. why suffer unnecessarily…?

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    KFischer1  almost 2 years ago

    I once read that it’s not so much about the money as it is the only way the people at that level can keep score of who’s winning.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Oil companies exec’s……….

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