Musical brothers Phil (1939-2014) and Don (1937-2021) Everly had a song about a bird-dog, but nothing about a bird-cat.
My cats are grazers, so there is always food out for them.
Every time I walk in the direction of the kitchen Tigger follows me….he knows that’s where the treats are! Yesterday he knocked the treat comtainer off the counter…I guess I failed to give him a treat at one point….LOL☺️☺️☺️
He’s in the catbird seat. :)
Look, Moggy turned his nose up at it again! Give it to Crumb! :)
Templo S.U.D. over 1 year ago
Musical brothers Phil (1939-2014) and Don (1937-2021) Everly had a song about a bird-dog, but nothing about a bird-cat.
ladykat over 1 year ago
My cats are grazers, so there is always food out for them.
Zebrastripes over 1 year ago
Every time I walk in the direction of the kitchen Tigger follows me….he knows that’s where the treats are! Yesterday he knocked the treat comtainer off the counter…I guess I failed to give him a treat at one point….LOL☺️☺️☺️
the lost wizard over 1 year ago
He’s in the catbird seat. :)
Impkins Premium Member over 1 year ago
Look, Moggy turned his nose up at it again! Give it to Crumb! :)