I have that game! “Mouse for Cats” – and my Pippin LOVES it. so do Clara & Sheena, Ruler of the Jungle. Sheena’s a Maine Cooncat, so her huge paws always catch the mouse (which changes colors during the game, btw), but Pippin really thinks the mouse is under my phone and flips it over!
Pippi looks so sweet when she’s happy. Makes you almost want to give her some chin scritches—except that would probably lead to a need for stitches for the scritcher!
fuzzybritches over 1 year ago
Is full of warms!
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 1 year ago
Another sighting of Pippi looking sweet! A rare but nice experience.
bajacalla Premium Member over 1 year ago
I have that game! “Mouse for Cats” – and my Pippin LOVES it. so do Clara & Sheena, Ruler of the Jungle. Sheena’s a Maine Cooncat, so her huge paws always catch the mouse (which changes colors during the game, btw), but Pippin really thinks the mouse is under my phone and flips it over!
Sue Ellen over 1 year ago
Pippi looks so sweet when she’s happy. Makes you almost want to give her some chin scritches—except that would probably lead to a need for stitches for the scritcher!
willie_mctell over 1 year ago
A rare moment of peace and contentment.
prrdh over 1 year ago
AKA the buttwarmer app.
tad1 over 1 year ago
Nice to see Pippi happy for once.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 1 year ago
If it is not meant for sit, then why is it made of warm?
She’s content.