“A hypocrite is someone who criticizes others for behavior that they participate in themselves. Sometimes we define it as “saying one thing but doing another.” For example, you might be a hypocrite if you complain about bad drivers, then forget to use your indicator at the next intersection.”
Got that? I don’t got the comic. Help, someone please translate for me…
Ida No over 1 year ago
Naw. You’re just all wet.
Rick Smith Premium Member over 1 year ago
Same old TMCM.
T... over 1 year ago
“A hypocrite is someone who criticizes others for behavior that they participate in themselves. Sometimes we define it as “saying one thing but doing another.” For example, you might be a hypocrite if you complain about bad drivers, then forget to use your indicator at the next intersection.”
Got that? I don’t got the comic. Help, someone please translate for me…
BaconBoyCamper over 1 year ago
Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.