My last cut was way too choppy, especially on the left side. I had showed her a picture that included how to cut it the way I wanted it. She never said it wouldn’t work with my hair or anything. She has been asking each time since if I want my hair trimmed, and I said no, look, this side is all choppy and I wanted to let it grow out more before we cut again. She looked at it, agreed with me, apologized, and it was all OK between us. Maybe next time we can get closer to what I was aiming for. It’s not exactly a bad cut but cutting it even shorter wouldn’t have worked. It has to grow a few inches first.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 1 year ago
With me, it’s either perfect or it’ll do. Luckily, my last cut was indeed perfect, as it’s still looking good over a year later.
goboboyd over 1 year ago
Like hitting yourself on the head with a brick. It feels so good when you stop.
Ken Norris Premium Member over 1 year ago
My wife would go to the hairdresser’s, come home and then fix her hair. I could never tell the difference…
Moonkey Premium Member over 1 year ago
My last cut was way too choppy, especially on the left side. I had showed her a picture that included how to cut it the way I wanted it. She never said it wouldn’t work with my hair or anything. She has been asking each time since if I want my hair trimmed, and I said no, look, this side is all choppy and I wanted to let it grow out more before we cut again. She looked at it, agreed with me, apologized, and it was all OK between us. Maybe next time we can get closer to what I was aiming for. It’s not exactly a bad cut but cutting it even shorter wouldn’t have worked. It has to grow a few inches first.
jscarff57 Premium Member over 1 year ago
In two weeks it’ll REALLY be perfect!
PoodleGroomer over 1 year ago
I have a stocking cap in my coat pocket.