Over here, a penny is no longer legal tender, however when totals have lets say for example end in $0.52 it rounds down to $0.50, if it’s $0.53 it rounds up to $0.55 when you pay cash, BUT if you pay by debit or credit, you are charged the exact total. Only in Canada…..eh!
I had the tax mafia show up at my office to do an audit with the warning that if I owed them they were not leaving without payment,
As the week went on my secretary noticed they were less abrasive and willing to wait while she handled customers to get paperwork from her.
Friday they announced that the government owed us money. I stood in the doorway and had my hand out and reminded them about what they said when the arrived.
It doesn’t work that way says he.
I said I’m on the national executive of the party in power. and I can phone the PMO, who will phone the minister who will phone your boss. So do you want to attract attention from that high up?
The phoned their office and arranged to have a check mailed out Monday
I wish I had made a copy when it arrived because it was hand written, of significant value for a smaller business.
And my bookkeeper? We got rid of him, not for that but because he borrowed a government car, and hit a police car with it while impaired. It was the unknown drug trafficking conviction that sealed it
allen@home over 1 year ago
No Rory i think you just pulled that number out of a hat.
GROG Premium Member over 1 year ago
You make it sound like you just yanked it out of thin air.
Fishenguy Premium Member over 1 year ago
We closed a checking account at a former bank. Last week we got a check from them for 2 cents. It cost them 50 cents to send it. SMH
It was the interest for the month of April.
akachman Premium Member over 1 year ago
The beginning of product pricing: 99 cents. Change must be returned to the customer and it looks like the product is cheaper.
Ned Snipes over 1 year ago
Over here, a penny is no longer legal tender, however when totals have lets say for example end in $0.52 it rounds down to $0.50, if it’s $0.53 it rounds up to $0.55 when you pay cash, BUT if you pay by debit or credit, you are charged the exact total. Only in Canada…..eh!
Zebrastripes over 1 year ago
Does Rory really expect Stan to pay up? LOL
Maybe Stan can come up with 2¢.
russef over 1 year ago
Which is why I always make my deductions odd numbers.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 1 year ago
I had the tax mafia show up at my office to do an audit with the warning that if I owed them they were not leaving without payment,
As the week went on my secretary noticed they were less abrasive and willing to wait while she handled customers to get paperwork from her.
Friday they announced that the government owed us money. I stood in the doorway and had my hand out and reminded them about what they said when the arrived.
It doesn’t work that way says he.
I said I’m on the national executive of the party in power. and I can phone the PMO, who will phone the minister who will phone your boss. So do you want to attract attention from that high up?
The phoned their office and arranged to have a check mailed out Monday
I wish I had made a copy when it arrived because it was hand written, of significant value for a smaller business.
And my bookkeeper? We got rid of him, not for that but because he borrowed a government car, and hit a police car with it while impaired. It was the unknown drug trafficking conviction that sealed it
ChessPirate over 1 year ago
“Well, here’s the one cent.”
CoffeeBob Premium Member over 1 year ago
Sounds like how our property assessments are done.
John Lamb Premium Member over 1 year ago
Wish the people at the tax office could see this. They would be thinking, “they figured us out.”
Shikamoo Premium Member over 1 year ago
We all know you made that amount up.