Rich people tend to vote Republican, and poor people tend to vote Democrat. Therefore it is in the Democrat’s own best interest to create more poor people to strengthen their base. Their economic policies reflect this.
As we all know, it’s those rich Republicans (e.g., Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Buffet, et al) that are always spending their dollars to mold the Republic a they would like it.
David_the_CAD over 1 year ago
Or was it the fact that you stayed true to you political beliefs, and did not sell your soul to one person with and artificially orange complexion?
chaosed2 over 1 year ago
Rich people tend to vote Republican, and poor people tend to vote Democrat. Therefore it is in the Democrat’s own best interest to create more poor people to strengthen their base. Their economic policies reflect this.
Oh Really? over 1 year ago
Dems tend to rentRepubs tend to own
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 1 year ago
The other guy: I an independent…I don’t care.
Watchdog over 1 year ago
So is Biden now
dnotkin Premium Member over 1 year ago
That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.
As we all know, it’s those rich Republicans (e.g., Soros, Bloomberg, Gates, Buffet, et al) that are always spending their dollars to mold the Republic a they would like it.
aussie399 Premium Member over 1 year ago
I was forced out of the Democratic Party. I was fromtbe wrong jail