…and then, like recently, mom and dad will have to bail them out. It would be one thing if they were a young couple just out of school trying to get on their feet, but they are both in their 30s..you think they would know how to budget by now
She’s like an acquaintance of mine who can’t stay out of the resale shops. Her house and car is so full of junk and her closets are overflowing with clothes she never wears. It’s an addiction just like Lila and her shoes.
Cathy cracks this Cathy up, but I do find myself thinking that I am glad that my life is much simpler than her’s!
Tugboat Mama aka Cathy
p.s. She also knows how to spell Cathy the correct way, too!
hcrobin85 over 16 years ago
…and then, like recently, mom and dad will have to bail them out. It would be one thing if they were a young couple just out of school trying to get on their feet, but they are both in their 30s..you think they would know how to budget by now
stpatme over 16 years ago
Addiction knows no reason.
alondra over 16 years ago
She’s like an acquaintance of mine who can’t stay out of the resale shops. Her house and car is so full of junk and her closets are overflowing with clothes she never wears. It’s an addiction just like Lila and her shoes.
margueritem over 16 years ago
Buying things gives you a temporary high. Like any other addiction, you need to go back for more.
TugboatMama over 16 years ago
Cathy cracks this Cathy up, but I do find myself thinking that I am glad that my life is much simpler than her’s! Tugboat Mama aka Cathy p.s. She also knows how to spell Cathy the correct way, too!
bluetopazcrystal over 16 years ago
Correct way? LOL