My massage therapist back in California worked through her two pregnancies and continued getting her massages during those pregnancies. She said her MT had her sit in a massage chair while she had her back worked on. Try looking for a therapist who will not chicken out like the spa seems to be doing.
ChessPirate over 1 year ago
Soo, is a Goldfish Fart more or less powerful than 10 Billion Butterfly Sneezes? ッ
RadioDial Premium Member over 1 year ago
Beardo, this is where you come in.
Teto85 Premium Member over 1 year ago
My massage therapist back in California worked through her two pregnancies and continued getting her massages during those pregnancies. She said her MT had her sit in a massage chair while she had her back worked on. Try looking for a therapist who will not chicken out like the spa seems to be doing.