Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 12, 2009
Cathy: At last...a whole day when we can shut out the rest of the world and just be together! Irving: I love you so much! KISS KISS Cathy: Do you need to get that? RING RING Irving: No! I'm with you, honey. No one else matters! ...Oops you just got a text. BEEP BEEP CLICK! Cathy: The texter can wait! All I care about is you! Irving: Do you need to see who it was? Cathy: No! I'm not even looking! I'm clicking "ringer off"! "Vibrate off"! "All sounds off"! TAP TAP Irving: Me too! We are 100% unreachable! TAP TAP Cathy and Irving: AACK!! My ears are burning! My curiosity's burning! The electronic rays are frying my brain!! Caption: So many advances in sunblock. Still nothing effective in "message block." CHECK CHECK TAP TAP TEXT TEXT TAP TAP SCROLL SCROLL CLICK CLICK
The Duke 1 over 15 years ago
Yes, there is*! It’s called the 8 pound *sledgehammer!
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
Just leave the flipping gadgets in the house!
HelenHenley over 15 years ago
How true. How sad….hang on just got a text….
aforry over 15 years ago
Shut the stupid thing off :)
alondra over 15 years ago
Well they tried, but addictions are hard to break.
lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago
Yes, we are all trained to respond like Pavlov’s dogs… Sad but true.
i_am_the_jam over 15 years ago
What a couple of idiots. I’m surprised that this marriage has lasted this long.
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Oh, my. I think “self control” is an effective form of “message block.” ;)
LibrarianInTraining over 15 years ago
I think not having a cell phone is an effective form of Message Block.
I know. I’m a rebel.
myhaircut over 15 years ago
What horrible, horrible people. At least they’re not spoiling two households.
pibfan868 over 15 years ago
I am with you librarian–I own a trak fone for emergencies and keep having service shut down for lack of use!
Sharon_ski over 15 years ago
It just goes to show you that people these days would prefer to “talk” with people on the phone, computer, etc then be with the person that they’re with.
dakabn5 over 15 years ago
Conveniently leave it in the car or something… or keep it in the deep recesses of a purse… keep it around for emergencies, but keep it hard to get to.
kab2rb over 15 years ago
My own cell phone I hardly use only for emergency’s. I tell people to contact my husband. And in church we leave his cell phone in car. I thought for use they where only going to consentrate on themselves but the electrionic age got them. We’re not that popular.
Anniquem over 15 years ago
I also rarely use my cell phone. My husband and I let the answering machine take messages for us when we spend time together.
Pokier867 over 15 years ago
L LOVE all this new technology! Except for the “annoying” factor.